Desertus and the Goths

"See Babylon, the Great-! The Mother of Abominations-! Doomsday is breaking-! the destruction of the world-!" 

Desertus has been preaching the doomsday message for over 15 years, his loyal cult called the Goths hung on every word for they knew what he said was true. What he said was that one day the great METROPOLIS would collapse under its own weight of corruption, immortality and greed. That day happened in 2026.   

The Goths consist of a ragtag band of priests, former criminals, and citizens of the lower city. Though they all have different backgrounds, they do have on common purpose, to spread what they believe to be the truth about Joh Fredersen, going as far as to label him as the "anti-Christ". The Goths are bound by a solemn oath: If one hand from the wicked city of METROPOLIS were to dare touch just one stone of the cathedral, then they would neither repose nor rest until the wicked city of METROPOLIS should lie, a heap of ruins, at the foot of the cathedral. 

When the rioting broke out Desertus and the Goths believed that the prophecy was coming to pass, Desertus had himself bound to a black cross and was carried through the streets on the backs of twelve of his Goths, spouting his doomsday message. With Desertus and his monks arriving in the middle of the ensuing chaos, his message that he preached on a regular basis for 12 years literally comes to life, followers and dissenters alike took to the streets, fearing for their lives as they believed the end was near!

Typical Goth:

INT 8, REF 6, TECH 4, COOL 7, ATTR 6, LUCK 5, MA 6, BODY 7, EMP 7, BTM -2, Save 7

Role: Monk

Congregation 3, Awareness/Notice 5, Expert: Religion 3, Education 3, Human Perception 4, Persuasion 4, Library Search 4, Streetwise 5, Hide/Evade 5, Teaching 4, & 14 points worth of pickup skills, none of which will be over a 3 

It is possible because of their backgrounds that some have combat and or rogue skills, but they have been renounced

Cyberware: Varies

Congregation: A Special ability that is a similar to the Nomad's Family skill. Because of the good works that the Goths do, they are respected by most people. When they get into trouble they can rely on the the great unwashed masses to come to their aid either physically or financially. 


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