In the last twelve years it has been a real honor serving the people of Tulsa, I would hope that my service to you have been sufficient enough for you to vote for me again, to continue to be your Mayor. Many things have changed in the last 12 years,  most for the better. We need to continue to fight crime, and face the new challenges that will surly come our way in the future. All I ask is that you vote for me so we can go through these times together. - Malcolm Xavier

Malcolm Xavier's Accomplishments:
- Acquired licensing and federal funding to save Tulsa's Aeronautic industry.
- Reduced crime and eliminated overlap between city and private security.
- Worked closely with local corporations to bring revenue and jobs into the city. 

Malcolm Xavier's Goals:
- Continue to work closely with TAI to see through the completion of the surface to space facility.
- Work with the Federal Government and NWS to set up a more precise Tornado Early alert system.
- Work with the TPD to clean up the Gang Violence that has gripped Tulsa.
- Improve our ranking as "One of America's most livable cities"