A TeleView Terminal in use.

TeleView TM

TeleView is a new comunications corporation based out of Tulsa that provides news feeds to various terminals based in a variety of locations. For one euro you will recieve up to three minutes of up-to-the-minute news about sports, stocks, culture, wars, conflicts and corporate mergers as well as editorials, personals, help-wanted advertisments, crime reports & general information. The terminals can also be used as a vid phone / telephone for one euro a call or as a city directory (free). The terminals are located in most hotels, gas stations, grocery & convienience stores. For a fee, the TeleView terminals can also be used as digital "safety deposit boxes" (100 eb / month)

These terminals are WELL built with SP25 and a SDP 50, they are attached to the pavement with 3/4" x 5" bolts, once 50% of the SDP is missing, an internal program will release a virus onto the hard drive destroying everything contained within. "Modifying" the terminals (bugging, accessing its database, tracing calls, etc.) should be considered a "very difficult" task.