ChromeX - Netware (Hardware and Software)

Halo v1.0 (Program) by IRON ANGEL
SmartShades v1.0 (Program) by IRON ANGEL

Halo v1.0 (Program) by IRON ANGEL

A demon with very straightforward offensive and defensive capabilities. It is large but worth packing along if you have the space.

The protection sub-routine will stop 3 points of damage even upon an attack that pierces the programs' normal defense. This is coupled with a fast Anti-ICE program. The ICON is a glowing halo surrounding the head of the runner. The A-IC routine appears as a blast of light, the protection subroutine surrounds the users ICON with a glowing outline.

Class: Demon
Cost: 6,000 eb
Strength: 7
Options: Speed, Evasion, Endurance
MU: 9
1)Protection with Speed, Endurance, Prevent extra 3 points of damage.
2)Anti-ICE with Speed, One-Use

SmartShades v1.0 (Program) by IRON ANGEL

A powerful program with the power to get into dataforts and let him see what was there, much like Clairvoyance 3.0. It is made from altered code for Wizard Book and combined with features of Clairvoyance. The ICON is that of a really cool pair of mirrorshades over the eyes of the runner.

Cost: 2,700 eb
Class: Demon
Strength: 8
Options: Endurance, Photorealistic Icon
MU: 9
1)Decryption with Self-Modifying Code, Auto ReRezz, Invisible 
2)Detection with Endurance
