ChromeX - Skills & Roles

Akimbo Shooting by Anttoni "Strophe" Palm

Akimbo Shooting (2) by Anttoni "Strophe" Palm

The art of shooting with two weapons at the same time. Every skill point adds +1 to both guns (normally you get -3 to both weapons, so if you've got Akimbo Shooting at +2, you'd get only -1 to both). But because the character is using two guns, the exertion is also greater, so there are also some body
requirements. Akimbo Shooting-skill can't be more than the half of your weapon (pistol/SMG) skill, rounded up (for a possible maximum of +2 per gun).

Body type The guns possible to use.
Very Weak  Not possible to use the skill.
Weak Two light pistols.
Average Two medium pistols or lighter.
Strong Two heavy pistols or lighter.
Very Strong Two light SMGs or anything below heavy pistols.
Superhuman Two medium or light SMGs or any pistols.

With Akimbo Shooting-skill +1 you are the absolute ruler of the local paintball-tournament, 
with Akimbo Shooting +3 you are as good as Matrix's Neo,
with Akimbo Shooting +5 you could be in John Woo's movies!
