

REF: 12 | BODY: 18
MA: 13 | INT: 7
TECH: 7 | COOL: 10
EMP: 2 | LUCK:6
SP: 25 | SDP: 20/30, torso: 30/40
Punch 1d6+8, Kick 2d6+8, Bite 3d6AP

Thermograph, Dodgeball, Anti Dazzle, Lowlight
Amplified Hearing, Level Dampener
Weapon Systems:
Custom Jaw: Mouth Opens to 6", teeth have a monomolecular edge, Jaw mechanism is hydraulically enhanced Damage is 3d6 AP, Damage is not reduced after penetration
Pain Editor, EMP Shielding


Discovered in suspended animation on an abandoned Spacestation in 2018, Jaws was revived only to discover his love did not survive the ordeal. Jaws then vowed to destroy James Bond & M.I.6.

As he had done before his sleep, Jaws tried to hire himself out as a mercenary to the highest bidder. What he did not expect was the technological & scientific advancements that rendered him practically worthless.

Disgruntled and quite insane, Jaws liquidated his remaining assets and had himself converted into a borg.

Currently he is employed with Arasaka

Combat Sense: 10
Awareness/Notice: 6
Melee: 5
Athletics: 6
Stealth: 6
Driving: 6
Dodge/Escape: 6
Martial Arts (Boxing): 8
Shadow/Track: 6
History: 4
Intimidate: 7
Interrogate: 6

Jaws does not use firearms, preferring to trap his prey then ripping their throat out with his teeth.