Flipper is Dead Handgun Creation Calculator
JavaScript Calculator by Night Flyer Ver 1.21

1) Select Frame Size: 2) Select Barrel Length:
3) Select Mechanism: 4) Ammo Type:
5) Automatic Action?: 6) Ammo Calibre:
7) Quality of Weapon: 8) Weapon Accuracy:
9) Options: Smart Gun? Break Down?
(Check all that apply) Non Metalic Construction? Concealed?
10) Calculate: Note: Ammo Capacity is determined by size of clip or the number of barrels in use. Capacity is used here only as a general guide
Base Cost: Ammo Capacity:
Rate of Fire: Concealability:
Weapon Accuracy: Weapon Bulk:
Weapon Recoil:

The full set of rules can be found at The BlackHammer Project
Rules provided by Chopper of the Flipper Is Dead UK CyberPunk ThinkTank.
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