Martians, 100 Years Ago

Will Earth and Mars Signal to Each Other April 27th?

The near approach of Mars to Earth and the announcement some time ago of Prof. Hubert II. Goddard. of Clark College, that he intended to shoot a rocket to Mars, have awakened interest In the planet again. Wireless experts have received mysterious messages, which some have suggested came from Mars.

“This picture shows a Martian as Scientists who believe there is life on the planet he would appear. He is about nine times the height of man with a huge chest to breathe rarified air of the planet, weak eyes and probably mechanical aid to hearing or wireless more of ordinary communication.” Continue reading “Martians, 100 Years Ago”

The Ferocious Man-eating Tree of Madagascar

It is from seven to ten feet high and something like a grape fruit in shape, with rough, ugly tendrils stretching out in all directions. The trunk is black and hard as stone.

At the top of. the tree are six palpi, six feet high, that rear straight up and twine and whirl about incessantly. There is a cup also at the top which contains a clear, appetizing looking fluid. But alas for him who drinks it. He becomes peculiarly crazed and unable to get down.

Then it is that the whirling palpi twine themselves slowly but surely about the helpless man until all life is gone. This species of tree is naturally avoided as a deadly serpent would be, and the natives consider that it is actually alive and possessed of an evil and terrible spirit. (Arizona Republican, October 19, 1913)

Sacrificed to a man-eating plant. American Weekly. September 26, 1920