Signs of the Motor Age

Signs of the times in a motor age – these highway markers tell the story of a two-year, 100,000-mile truck test completed by Chevrolet. In Canada, Mexico and every state of the Union, the truck operated on all types of highways and under every conceivable weather hazard, setting a new world mark for sustained and certifies automotive operation, under the sanction and official observation of the American Automobile Association. The unit carries a 4,590-pound “payload.” Am average of 15.1 miles per gallon of fuel was maintained throughout the 100,000 miles at an average operating speed of 33.07 miles per hour. Oil mileage was correspondingly high – 1,072 miles per quart. (Roanoke Rapids Herald, March 07, 1940)


Jungle Yachts, 1938

Attilio Gatti, an Italian, World War I army officer, author, film-maker and explorer first set out to explore Africa in 1924. By the time he set out for his “final expedition” in 1938 he had already led 9 previous expeditions, one of those resulting in the 1927 film Siliva the Zulu. It was because of these films, plus his adventure writings in magazines like the Saturday Evening Post that he was able to obtain financing to further his travels. Exploits if his 10th expedition were later published in 1945 as South of the Sahara. Continue reading “Jungle Yachts, 1938”