Bigger, Better Cuss Words…

Chicago. Dec. 22 (AP) Bigger and better cuss words have been suggested by Dr. Burges Johnson, professor of English at Syracuse university, as one of the things this country needs. He told the executive club about it yesterday.

Profanity that was horrifying a few decades back Is now ridiculous in its innocuousness. Dr. Johnson said. Some of the stronger cuss words have been corrupted until now they lack all their original power and significance.

“Gramercy” “Gadzooks” and “Zounds” are some of the corruptions of what once was powerful profanity, he said. Even the words that remain have lost their full power through over-usage, and there have come into the language no new swear words to replace them.

Spione (Spies) 1928

Spione (Spies) is a silent film classic by Fritz Lang, based on a story written by Thea Von Harbou.

The mastermind behind a ubiquitous spy operation learns of a dangerous romance between a Russian lady in his employ and a dashing agent from the government’s secret service (
In one review, further down the IMDb page, the movie is aptly described as the granddaddy of all spy films, The movie’s runtime clocks in a 2-1/2 hours.
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