Spy Ship, 1942

A radio reporter begins to suspect that a commentator at his station may be using her position to broadcast shipping information to enemy spies. With the help of the girl’s sister, he sets out to expose the spy and her Nazi gang. (IMDb)

Found out about this film when doing a quick internet search on William Hopper (Paul Drake, the private investigator on Perry Mason). When I saw it also had Craig Stevens (Peter Gunn) and Keye Luke in the credits, I had to get a copy. Unfortunately, Warner Bros has not seen fit to release it on video yet.

Lucy Busts A Spy Ring

In 1942, while driving home from filming Du Barry Was a Lady with Red Skelton at MGM, Lucille Ball recounts intercepting a radio transmission through her temporary dental fillings.

All of a sudden, my mouth started jumping. It wasn’t music this time, it was Morse code. It started softly, and then de-de-de-de-de-de. As soon as it started fading, I stopped the car and then started backing up until it was coming in full strength. DE-DE-DE-DE-DE-DE DE-DE-DE-DE! I tell you, I got the hell out of there real quick. The next day I told the MGM Security Office about it, and they called the FBI or something, and sure enough, they found an underground Japanese radio station. It was somebody’s gardener, but sure enough, they were spies.