Let’s Call It Newtonium! 1904

New Theory of Ether.
The ether is the supposed medium, filling all space and interpenetrating all bodies, by which the waves of light and other forms of radiant energy are transmitted. Many theories of the nature of the ether have been proposed. The latest comes from the famous chemist, Mendeleef, who thinks the ether may be a chemical element, so light that the velocity of its molecular vibrations is sufficient to render it independent of gravitation. If its atomic weight is supposed to be one millionth of that of hydrogen, it is believed it could escape the attraction of the largest bodies in the universe. Mendeleef proposes for it the name newtonium.
Continue reading “Let’s Call It Newtonium! 1904”

Marvels of Gravitation

“If an ordinary man touches the ground with his feet over an area of about 50 square inches,” this writer explains, “our Martian would stand on 3x3x50 equals 450 square inches. If, then, we figure out the number of pounds borne by each square inch, we find for the ordinary man on earth 150 divided by 50 equals 3 pounds. For the Martian 17 feet 6 inches high we find 1350 divided by 450 equals 3 pounds, just the same. We see, therefore, that the Martian could be built on three times the scale in height, breadth, and depth as an ordinary man; and though he would on earth weigh more than two tons, this would not put any greater tax on his feet on Mars than that which is normal for us on earth. Yet this Martian giant, though in no way encumbered by his own weight, would be 27 times as powerful as an earth-man. In certain special operations where the work consists in overcoming gravity, such as digging canals, he could accomplish 3×27 equal to 81 times as much as an earth-man on earth, since Martian gravity is only one-third that of Earth.” Excerpt from the Burlington Weekly Free Press, Burlington, VT, December 11, 1919

Martians, 100 Years Ago

Will Earth and Mars Signal to Each Other April 27th?

The near approach of Mars to Earth and the announcement some time ago of Prof. Hubert II. Goddard. of Clark College, that he intended to shoot a rocket to Mars, have awakened interest In the planet again. Wireless experts have received mysterious messages, which some have suggested came from Mars.

“This picture shows a Martian as Scientists who believe there is life on the planet he would appear. He is about nine times the height of man with a huge chest to breathe rarified air of the planet, weak eyes and probably mechanical aid to hearing or wireless more of ordinary communication.” Continue reading “Martians, 100 Years Ago”

Life on the Moon, 1835

Sir John headed a group of astronomers who had finally succeeded in setting up a marvellously powerful telescope on the Cape of Good Hope, according to the Sun’s report. Through this great instrument he discovered “wondrous secrets which had been hid from the eyes of all men that had lived since the birth of time.” Most amazing of these wonders was the revelation of life on the moon.

Far from being a barren, uninhabited planet, the moon had strange, lush vegetation, weird animals with hairy masks to guard their eyes against glare—and winged men and women! These happy little lunar people, who stood scarcely four feet high, wore no clothes. Their bodies, though, were covered with a bear-like (!) fur and when they landed on the ground, they walked “in an erect and dignified manner.”

Lunar Animals and other Objects

Continue reading “Life on the Moon, 1835”

Big Flood on Mars


Special Correspondence to The Press
WASHINGTON, July 2.—Now as never before astronomers at the government observatory can see the wonders of Mars. Starting the first of July, the flood period on the planet begins, and the men at the telescope actually can see the
water as It rushes down one whole side of Mars through the planet’s wonderful canals.

Mars Is getting as close to the earth as it will be in many years. In the pictures the dark area shows the watered parts of the planet. In December the snow cap is large and most of the crop space is waste land. In July, when the sun’s heat melts masses of ice and snow, the water irrigates the whole land through the monster canals the Martians built.

By September the water has largely disappeared from the surface.

Note the great curve the dark or watered section takes in June and July. The melted snow forms small oceans, probably the size of several American states.

Just now, the astronomers assert, the green reflection from the growing crops of the Martians plainly is to be seen through the telescope, though 35,000,000 miles away. They are filled with wonder at the sight, and regret that they cannot talk to Mars.

The Spokane Press. Spokane, WA. July 02, 1909