Let’s Call It Newtonium! 1904


New Theory of Ether.
The ether is the supposed medium, filling all space and interpenetrating all bodies, by which the waves of light and other forms of radiant energy are transmitted. Many theories of the nature of the ether have been proposed. The latest comes from the famous chemist, Mendeleef, who thinks the ether may be a chemical element, so light that the velocity of its molecular vibrations is sufficient to render it independent of gravitation. If its atomic weight is supposed to be one millionth of that of hydrogen, it is believed it could escape the attraction of the largest bodies in the universe. Mendeleef proposes for it the name newtonium.

and from another article:
New Theory of Ether.
The mysterious ether that is supposed to fill all space is the subject of a new theory by Mendeleef, the Russian chemist. He would regard it as a definite chemical substance so light that its molecular velocity overcomes gravitation, a substance without chemical affinity, and with a power of diffusion so great that it can penetrate all bodies. He finds that there is probably a lighter element than hydrogen, with an atomic weight of about 0.4 that may be the coronium of the sun’s atmosphere and volcanic gases. The ether must have a still smaller atomic weight, certainly not over 0.17, and probably about one-millionth that of hydrogen, as the molecule must have a velocity of at least 1,400 miles a second to escape the gravitation of the largest bodies of the universe. This hypothetical element, almost with out weight, is named Newtonium.

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