The Adventures of Rocky Jordan

Jack Moyles

“Again we bring you a story of Adventure with a man named Rocky Jordan, proprietor of the Cafe Tambourine which stands in a narrow street off of Cairo’s native quarter within sight of the Mosque Sultan Hassan, The Cafe Tambourine crowded with forgotten men from the world’s waterfront, alive with the babble of many languages.”

Rocky Jordan began its broadcast on CBS on October 31, 1948. Jordan, played by Jack Moyles, is an American restaurateur in Cairo, Egypt in a place called the Tambourine who each week becomes involved in some kind of mystery or adventure. Jordan is often assisted in each episode by Captain Sam Sabaaya of the Cairo Police played by Jay Novello.

It is believed the show was loosely modeled after Casablanca with the Tambourine playing the part of Rick’s Café Americain. Jack Moyles even has a voice that sounds like Humphrey Bogart.

Listen to the Adventures of Rocky Jordan here (

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