Bloody Circus, 1860


Bloody Affray with Circus Men. – A letter in the Petersburg Express, Dated November 8th, Whitehall, Robinson county, N.C., contains the following particulars of another riot with circus men. The affair is thus described: — “A bloody and exciting row occured at this place this afternoon, about 4 o’clock. A man named Grantham, who was inebriated, attempted to enter Robinson’s circus, but was repelled by the doorkeeper. A difficulty ensued, in which the circus men and the friends of Grantham participated. The fight was very desperate; bowie knives were used and pistols fired. Mr. Leach, a schoolmaster here, was killed by a pistol shot, and a brother of Grantham was dangerously wounded in the same manner. He is expected to die. One of the circus men named Robinson–I have not learned whether he was the proprietor–was dreadfully stabbed in one shoulder. The wound is about four inches in length, and went to the bone. The matter is to be legally investigated, Writs have been issued for the arrest of all parties concerned.”

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